Sunday, September 3, 2017

Trump calls North Korea 'dangerous' and 'great threat' after overnight nuclear test

President Trump on Sunday responded to North Korea’s nuclear test, calling it “very hostile and dangerous” to the United States.

The rogue nation claimed it detonated a hydrogen bomb with "perfect success," carrying out its sixth nuclear test that drew immediate condemnation from its neighbors. Trump said on Twitter the rogue nation's actions were "hostile and dangerous." 

“North Korea has conducted a major nuclear test,” Trump said in a series of tweet. “Their words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the U North Korea in recent months have escalated its pursuit of a nuclear weapon and a long-range missile that would land such a warhead on foreign soil.nited States.”

Friday, September 1, 2017

Whats on your mind on Labor Day = GOD, FOOD, Family, and fun

Updated September 1, 2017,

When you think of Labor Day, what comes to mind? For many, it's the last long weekend before school starts. It's a weekend with picnics and barbecues, and maybe a parade. For some, it's the start of the fall season and anticipation of football. Like many other holidays, American's enjoy the day off but have lost sight of what it was originally created to celebrate. 

Whether you work in a job or run a home business, Labor Day was created to honor and celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers.

There is a dispute about who originally thought of the idea of an annual Labor Day observance. According to the Department of Labor, two men are put forward as the originator of the idea. One is Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor. The another possible originator was Matthew Maguire, a machinist, who later became the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J.

Labor Day was first celebrated by local municipals and states before becoming a national holiday. The first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, according to the Department of Labor. It was organized by the New York's Central Labor Union, which was made of several labor unions coming together to work toward better working conditions.
 The second Labor Day followed a year later, on September 5, 1883.

Labor Day wasn't part of a three-day weekend until 1884 when the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed by the Central Labor Union, who encouraged other cities and states to honor workers as well.

From 1885 to 1894, 32 states passed bills to adopt a day designed to honor workers.
On June 28, 1894, Congress passed the act establishing the first Monday in September as a legal national holiday. 

The original intent of Labor Day was to provide a holiday that would honor the social and economic achievements of American workers. Essentially, it was intended to be an annual national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
During the industrial revolution, in particular, you can see how American workers built a strong nation with infrastructures, such as railways, dams, roads and more. While rich and powerful men, such as Andrew Carnegie often get the credit, it was their workers who turned these great men's visions into reality. 

While many still turn out to hear Labor Day speeches and attend parades, the purpose of the holiday has fallen way and instead is usually viewed as the last hurrah of summer. Still, that's not necessarily a bad thing. In a nation of people who work more hours and takes less vacation than other western nations, having the last summer party is greatly needed.

Labor Day may not be a day in which people actively celebrate and honor workers, but it does give working people a much-needed respite, which is equally important. 

Although Labor Day was originated by labor unions, the need to honor work and career expands beyond unionized industries. As an entrepreneur, you're making a contribution to the world, as well as supporting yourself and your family. That deserves and day of honor. Further, it's important to take time off, whether it's a weekend getaway or a vacation. You might even look up what sorts of Labor Day events are going on in your city. Many areas continue to hold parades and other events, such as music festivals. 

What's important is that even as a home-based entrepreneur, in which everything rides on you, it's important to take time off.

Without work-life balance, you'll burn out making running your home business more difficult than it should be. 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The influences of Terrorism

The influences of Terrorism

            There are those that will say that terrorism is a new form of warfare.   The truth of the matter is that terrorism can be traced back to the days of the Zealots and the Assassins.  Terrorism comes in many forms and is used in many forms to accomplish the mission of destroying the sense of security, by installing fear. 

            To understand the world of Terrorism one must first understand the true mission ofterrorism.  The primary purpose of terrorism is to use it as a “calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear” (  The history of terrorism can be traced back to the 11th and 13th centuries.  The Hashhashin (assassins) who were an, Islamic secretive group active in Iran and Syria, are identified as the first organized terrorist group in history.  The Hashhashin earned their reputation by caring out the assassinations of the Abbsid and the Seljuk who served as the political leaders of that time in an extremely violent public display. The assignations of said individuals struck fear in those who challenged their politicalviews.       
Terrorism is viewed by many to be a modern occurrence.  The main reason behind this is that there were no modern nation states in existences until 1648.  The lack of organized government made it difficult to use terror as a technique of distressing a political change, as no single prevailing political authority existed (Terrorism-Research). 

            As controlled and centralized forms of governments began to develop so did the use of terrorism.  The biggest period of evolution for terrorism came during the time of the French Revolution as several important theories of social revolution developed during this time frame.  Terrorism evolved into two forms of ideologies during this time with the extremism leading the groundwork for the use of violence as a form of political ends. 

            The two ideologies that supported the use of violence in an attempt to cause change were Marxism, which would later evolve into communism, and the second was anarchism.  Both ideologies called for the destruction of the government systems in place.  Communism focused its efforts on an economic class of warfare, and called for the seizure of state power by the working class of the state.  This would call for total control of the state by the people and would call eventually for the disposal of the state.  Anarchism called for the immediate rejection of all forms of government.  The belief here was that once the state had been destroyed; there would be nothing to require replacing it.  This would allow people to live and interact with one another without any form of governmental coercion.  Communism was the more flourishing of the two ideologies; however, Anarchism is still preferred by extremists to this day.  A perfect example of Anarchism is display in the latest Batman move currently playing in theaters. 

            Another evolution trend among terrorism appeared in the late 19th century as the tide of nationalism became popular.  Nationalism is defined as the process in which the combination of the identity of the people of the nation and the political state combined.   The best example of this is the multi-century struggle of the Irish nationalism movement known today as the Irish Republic Army (IRA).   In the 20th Centuries early year’s nationalism and revolutionary political ideologies were the principle developmental forces acting upon terrorism.  Russia and Communism played a role in ideological bases of political terrorism from the onset and would take a considerable role as the 20th century unfolded. 

            Terrorism can relate to either wing and each wing does have a version of terrorism.  To explain the difference between each wing on must first understand what the ideology to each is.  Keep in mind that the terms are used as they are used in the America.  The right wing is often described as the category and includes social conservations.  The right wing is often referred to or identified as the Republican Party.  It is often identified with the Republican Party because of the strong Christian beliefs and free market liberals.  The right wing is set to imply a commitment to the conservation of Christian values supports a strong tradition of family values and supports a free-market system.  Right-wing terrorist groups, as described by the FBI, are motivated by notions of hatred (FBI).  Examples of right wing terrorist beliefs are white racial supremacy as well as anti-government and anti-regulatory beliefs. Also include Christian extremist groups such as the Westboro Baptist Church and their Pastor Fred Phelps. The militia movement of the 1990s is also a perfect example of the right wing, an example of this would be the Minutemen (FBI). The right wing groups are integrated by a mistrust of, or hatred for, the federal government, often joined with a conspiratorial view of history and politics. Examples of terrorist acts by the right wing include the Oklahoma bombing, and Joseph A. Stack who crashed his plane into the IRS to show anger toward the IRS.

            The left wing is often related or identified with the Democratic Party.  The left wing in short implies a loyalty to egalitarianism, support for social policies that favor the working class, and multiculturalism (Political Spectrum).  The FBI states that the left wing is not significant and special interest terrorism has tended to be obscured (FBI).  The death toll is much smaller on the left wing side but is not without incidents that have claimed lives and loss of property. 
Types of Terrorism

            The different types of terrorism are broken down into the following categories: State Terrorism, Bioterrorism, Cyber-terrorism, Eco terrorism, nuclear terrorism, and Narco terrorism.   Each of these types of terrorist has taken on the actions that will bring them the best results, but the main mission is to strike fear in those that oppose there viewpoints or the mission that they are trying to accomplish.  The most dangerous and most destructive form of terrorism would have to be nuclear terrorism, followed by bio terrorism. 

            With the introduction of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) into the art of war by civilized nations, it would only be a matter of time before terrorist organizations would attempt to get their hands on them.  Weapons of mass destruction are weapons designed to release a toxic or poisonous chemical or any weapon designed to deliver a biological agent, or any weapon intended to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life (Absolute astronomy).  Examples of such weapons are nuclear bombs or toxic agents such as anthrax.  In the hands of civilized nations these weapons are dangerous but not as dangerous as they can be in the hands of terrorist organizations.

As the world has evolved and countries have risen to power and others have fallen the availability of WMD are greater than ever.  The end of the cold war and the fall of Russia have flooded the black market with WMD.  Terrorist organizations that have purchased or attempting to develop such weapons have made it very difficult for law enforcement to track their activities.  The main reason behind this is that most organizations that have WMD are typically hiding them in remote dessert or mountainous reigns.  This is what makes detecting them so difficult and the methodologies of fighting the war on terrorism are changing as law enforcement attempts to keep up with the threats. 
Terrorism vs. DHS.

            The United States of America always has had a zero tolerance policy concerning to dealing with terrorist.  The United States of America has been prepared to tackle terrorist attacks abroad but not so well when it came to the securing the home front.  Modern terrorism has reshaped the manner in which the United States of America has had to deal with terrorism.  The events of 911 forced the United States to take a different look at how they deal with Terrorism.  After the events of 911 the United States of America was forced to create and fund the Department of Homeland Security.  The DHS is not really a new department, but rather a consolidation of 22 other agencies that where brought together under the Bush administration.  “The Bush administration has taken a number of steps since the Sept. 11 attacks to beef up security across the country, including stricter security procedures in the nation's airports and the deployment of more than 50,000 trained airport screeners and thousands of air marshals and a nearly 40 percent increase in the number of FBI counter terrorism agents” (Government Executive).     

             The modern trend in terrorism has been a blessing in disguise for the security of the nation.  The relationships and communication levels between the law enforcement agencies at the federal, state, and local levels pre 911 attack to say the least were nonexistent.  Post 911 attack the creation and consolidation of DHS, and the levels of communication between all levels of law enforcement are at levels never seen before.  There has been an increase in the amount of information shared among the different levels of law enforcement and security providers.  The funding and opening of Fusion Centers in all major jurisdictions has been of great help as the officers on the field obtain information in real time.  Information sharing is the priority of the agencies as they attempt to work as one unit fighting the war against terror.  The key factor in the war on terror is to remember that the secret weapon against terror is not who has the biggest guns, or the biggest budgets, but rather who has the best intelligence. Intelligence is communication and the side that is better able to communicate the mission at hand is the side that will win the war against terror.  

             No matter what way one looks at terrorism is a criminal act.  Victimizing the innocent in an attempt to strike fear in others is a criminal injustice no matter if it is done under a dictatorship or a democracy.  The meaning or the mission behind terrorism has not changed much over the years, the so-called reasons or beliefs however have.  Some might use it as a tool in a Holy War, others as a form of forcing a policy change, and other for the mere pleasure of instilling fear.  One thing is for sure the tactics used to cause terror have evolved through out time.  Terror organizations use to threaten or carry out actions by shooting or beheading, today they employ the use of WMD’s, or attack innocent unsuspecting bystanders such as the attack that took place on 911 to get the point across.

            Another thing that is certain and ever evolving are the tactics and methodologies used by law enforcement and security agencies in the United States to combat the war on terror.  As the terrorist become more blazing so do the actions of those fighting the war against it.

Absolute astronomy; Weapons of mass Destruction; defined;; extracted July 26, 2012
American Heritage Dictionary; Terrorism; extracted July 2012
Ballard, Tanya; Government Executive Magazine; Homeland security department absorbs agencies; February 28, 2003 
Cross, Paul (Commander); Types of Terrorism; El Paso County Sheriff’s Office; UTEP Professor; July 2012
Ellis, Richard J. The Dark Side of the Left: Illiberal Egalitarianism in America.Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998.
Ortiz, Frank; El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Homeland Security Commander; July 2012
Terrorism-Research; Terrorist behavior and evolution;; extracted July 2012
Terrorism-Research; What is Terrorism;, extracted July 2012

Watson, D; FBI: The terrorist threat confronting the United States; Feb 6, 2002;; extracted July 25, 2012

The Eddie Campa website is up and running.

What I like to do on my spare time.  I have a new passion for learning website design and graphics.  Trying to learn by trial and error.

                                               Just a little hobby by Jesus "Eddie" Campa

Jesus Eddie Campa is excited to announce that the new website is up and running.  This is a new hobby for Eddie Campa.  As I have stated in the past I truly enjoy trying and learning new things.  I have discovered that I have a passion for creating websites and design.  As I learn the process I am experimenting with my own creations and this is why you will see many sites with my name or brand.  I have a few people asking me to do things for them already.  I would love to do them, but I want to make sure that I perfect the craft before I create another person's brand.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Marshall crime dips 5 percent in 2016 by Sam Hutch

Jesus Eddie Campa - Chief Jesus "Eddie" Campa

MARSHALL — Crime in Marshall dipped in 2016 thanks in part to increasingly proactive community and predictive policing methods, according to data presented by Marshall Police Chief Jesus "Eddie" Campa.

"Overall crime has decreased," he said, adding that 2,417 crimes were committed in Marshall in 2016, down from 2,534 in 2015. "You will have some crimes that are higher and some that are lower. But when you average them out in total, crime is down 5 percent."
It was the third straight year of declines in the Harrison County seat. In 2015, total crimes were down 3 percent from 2014. And in 2014, it fell 20 percent from 2013.
The recently released data showed the largest declines have been in burglaries to buildings (down 42 percent), bicycle theft (down 29 percent), auto thefts (down 35 percent) and sexual assaults (down 39 percent).

Burglaries of habitations, however, increased 34 percent. And the homicide total was flat, with three murders each in 2016 and 2015.

Across the U.S., cities comparable in population to Marshall's 23,820 residents saw violent crime increase 1.1 percent, murders decline by 6.4 percent, robberies increase 1.4 percent, thefts decline 3.3 percent and arsons decline 6 percent in 2016. Those figures are from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report.

Comparatively, for 2016 Marshall saw aggravated assault increase 27 percent, robberies increase 75 percent for robbery, thefts under $100 increase 78 percent — and arson was up 133 percent.
Connection to poverty

Campa said most of the thefts were shoplifting and small crimes from stores like Wal-Mart, further exacerbated in December because of the holiday season — thefts under $100 went up 69 percent in December.

"You can point to economics," he said of the rise in both robbery and theft. "We have a high unemployment rate; we don't have a big job market. There's a lot of time we have an increasing drug issue around the nation (which results in theft). ... The more poverty there is in a community, the higher the robbery numbers are going to be."
Noting the rise in assaults, Campa said they can be difficult to prevent because many occur within the home.

"When it comes to assaults, it's hard (to prevent)," Campa said. "But you will notice sexual assaults are down; that's due to officers patrolling routinely dark areas where these sexual assaults will occur. … That's going to stay down because you can prevent that. Aggravated assaults are happening in residences where we're not around, so it is hard to prevent."
Campa said in some instances, residents can prevent crime themselves by reducing the opportunity for potential incidents.

"We need people to start locking their car doors and windows," Campa said, adding that auto burglary was up 33 percent in the month of December, though up only 3 percent for the year. "A lot of that crime will dissipate if people start (doing that)."

Campa said using computer statistics to generate maps of crime-heavy areas had allowed the department to better predict where crime will strike by knowing where it's been. His officers have been concentrating on areas that have had a history of crimes.
Computer statistics "played a big role in (stopping) the rash of drive-by shootings we had in Marshall (during November). We were able to pinpoint the next two targeted areas," he said. "When we figured out what those homes were, we had officers driving up and down that street all day and all night, which we feel led to the shootings not happening. Because of the extra pressure we put on, we were able to identify everybody and arrest three out of four shooters, with the last fleeing the area."
Growing relationships.

He also credited the strength of growing relationships between the department and the public.
"We've had to build a layer of trust with our residents," Campa said. "That is why we were out there doing 'Coffeewith the Chief' and the 'Cool Cops' ice cream truck. In the past, when I first got here, our hotline never rang. We never got tips, we never got information.

"But once we built that trust, started making a difference and people started seeing it — now the first thing we do when we notice a trend is to put out a video, put out a press release and let the community know we need their help," he said. "Right away, they start calling, which never happened, but now there is a layer of trust.

"We attribute our (decrease in crime) to the things we are doing in our community," Campa said. "Just the mere fact of the way we build up our relationship in our community, the old saying of 'snitches end up in ditches' is no longer in play here in Marshall. Once we put something out and ask for the community's help, they are blowing up our phones."

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

BREAKING three juveniles arrested after crime spree and leading Officers on a chase:

On January 21 and January 22, 2017, the MarshallPolice Department received several calls for service reporting burglaries and stolen vehicles. The first of these calls was reported on the 21st at approximately 6:46 p.m.

During the night, Officers responded to burglaries in the 200 block of Nathan St and in the 3400 block of East End Blvd N. Officers also responded to reports of stolen vehicles in the 2800 block of Victory Dr. and the 2000 block of Circle Dr. Officers recovered both stolen vehicles that night. Officers also located stolen property from both burglaries inside the vehicles.

On January 22nd at 5:40 a.m., officers located one of the stolen vehicles, a 2016 GMC Canyon. The driver of the truck refused tostop, leading Officers on a vehicle pursuit. The pursuit continued down several neighborhood streets, ending in the 1400 block of Wingwood Dr. Two of the occupants were detained inside the vehicle. The other occupant, who was the driver, ran from the scene, but was located in the backyard of a nearby residence. It was determined that all three subjects were juveniles. All juveniles were detained and transported to the Willoughby Juvenile Detention Center.

The Ministry Advisory Committee

The Ministry Advisory Committee

Chief Jesus "Eddie" Campa is asking all faith based communities to join us for the first meeting of the Ministry Advisory Committee.  MAC will take an unconventional approach at restoring and developing a quality of life like never before seen in the City of Marshall.  

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Emito un reto a toda la base de la fe

Amigos Emito un reto a todas las organizaciones basadas en la fe en Marshall. Venga a unirse a nosotros para la primera reunión de MAC, para que podamos hacer una differance.

We challenge you to be part of the next Citizens Police Academy...

This has become the most requested program that we do at the PD.  If you really want to see what it takes and what it really means to be a police officer then we challenge you to sign up for the next MPD Citizens Academy.  I issue the challenge to our City Commissioners and other City Department Heads.